April 25th 2016
paySmart has been selected in the 2016 Promises Program by Endeavor, a global nonprofit organization that promotes entrepreneurship.
According to Endeavor, 25 companies were selected based on their competitive business model and their growth in recent years.
The 7-month program aims to diagnose the main challenges of the participant comapnies and, in a second phase, connect entrrepreneurs with Endeavor mentors.
“It’s an opportunity for entrepreneurs to learn from the experience of those who have lived many of these challenges, making less mistakes and growing faster,” said Milena Dalacorte, coordinator of Endeavor in Rio Grande do Sul.
The program is running simultaneously in eight Brazilian cities: Florianópolis, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
Learn more about paySmart services.